Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Back in Business!!

Wow! The last 2 weeks have been a whirlwind of activity. First, on December 15, our second daughter was born. Yipee! It was a much better experience than the first in every single aspect. She is doing great and even sleeping sometimes.

Next, 1 day after our daughter was born, I travelled to Saskatoon for a final interview with the company I will be working for. Yes, that's right, we are moving to Saskatoon. We have already bought a house there and are busy lining up moving dates, mortgages, lawyers, etc. It's been crazy, but that's our style: Go big or go home.

So that's the big news. Want more details? Drop me a line and I can fill you in on all the juicy tidbits.

And today's link: Think you live in poverty? Check out this site - you may be richer than you think. Something to be thankful for today.

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