Friday, February 16, 2007

What? Is that warm weather?

Thank goodness it's finally warmer. I could actually walk to volleyball last night and not have my nostrils frozen together by the time I got there.

If you're a Star Trek fan, and even if you're not but are familiar with the characters, you'll find this funny. I promise. Thank you, YouTube.

The good old Atari days. I didn't actually have an Atari as a kid, but friends did. I was an Intellivision owner, but if you can remember grabbing that joystick and firing away at Space Invaders, you'll enjoy hanging your coat on it.

You know what a fan I am of great marketing, and this is not - unless you consider very annoying to be clever. I can't believe this made it on TV.

Because we are so cultured at the Friday File, I need to post some beautiful pictures of one of the largest waterfalls in the world, Iguassu. Look and enjoy.

Well, we survived the Great Blizzard of '07, and now the States is getting hammered, as evidenced by these pictures. This makes me wonder, what's worse: a blizzard, or a sand storm? I think I'll pick a blizzard, because there's nothing more annoying than sand in your shorts.

And to finish today, the cold weather can play havoc with vehicles. Trouble starting, wear and tear - all made worse when you add water to the mix.

Have a great Friday, everyone!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! It's that time of year for overpriced flowers and unashamed commercial money-making. Here's hoping that the spirit of the day stays with you throughout the year. Staying with the theme of the day - parallel dating.

Friday, February 09, 2007

It's Friday!

I've had enough of the cold weather - it can warm up anytime. My parents are in Texas right now and have the audacity to complain about the cold weather at night, and how they have to turn the furnace on. Poor babies. I don't think my furnace has turned off in days.

This one is devoted to Leanne, our resident bee expert. Check out the video about Japanese bees - I don't think I want to mess with them, although it would definitely be warmer than here.

You know what a fan we at the Friday File are of creative furniture, and this is one of the most creative pieces we have seen. Need a chair to fit in a corner? Around a corner? How about seating for two? Three? No problem, just pull out the folding chair.

Do you ever get confused about who you are? Not your name, but what you do. When people ask you what your job title is, can you actually tell them? Sometimes it helps to be able to ask someone, like a friendly security guard.

When I was in college, one of my responsibilities was to unlock the buildings early in the morning. Some of the guys in the dorm also wanted me to wake them up. One guy was particularly difficult to wake up - I literally had to put both hands on his back and shake him as hard as I could. He could have used the Sonic Bomb Alarm Clock.

Have a great Friday, everyone!

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Robotic Arm Rides, 5 Cents

Thrill-seeker? Love amusement parks? Go for a ride on the robotic arm. I hope it's not run by Windows. (Make sure you watch the video)