Friday, May 25, 2007

It's Friday!

Are you an employer? Are you looking to hire an employee? We all know how hard it can be to find good quality help who has business experience with management skills. Your search is over.

On the farm that I grew up on, we milked cows. We drank that milk. Don't tell anyone, but we also sold that milk to people privately. Why should you keep quiet? Because if we were doing it today, we would be going to jail. Seriously.

Hopefully all of you have done some tree climbing in your lifetime. We have a great climbing tree in our front yard that hopefully some day our daughters will get to climb. I present to you the most famous trees in the world.

I realize that not everyone who reads this is as much of a computer geek as I am, but everyone should know what a floppy disk is. Back in the 90's, copying copyrighted disks was a real problem because it was so easy to do. Hence, this "high quality" video was created to make you think before you Copy That Floppy.

Ah, the sticky note. Every office has them. One of the greatest inventions known to man. And, of course, someone has taken it one step further.

Ah, the woman mud flaps. Every trucker has them. Want to set yourself apart from the other truckers? Want to get beat up at the next truck stop? Put these on your truck.

All the men will instinctively close their legs at the next headline: Man in unfortunate saw-mill penis incident. With a picture.

Have a great Friday, everyone!

It's Barbecue Season!